
Boosted│LU kopā ar partneriem no Somijas, Igaunijas un Latvijas ieviesīs studiju programmu tūrisma biznesa attīstības veicināšanai

ComPass – The experience exchange about 3rd age personnel qualification in tourism sector in Santander (Spain)

Boosted│Education without borders: Internationalisation of the tourism business curriculum in the central Baltic area

CRE:HUB│University of Latvia hosts creative industries partners and stakeholders from project countries

Project Boosted – on boosting tourism business growth through higher vocational education – 2nd Newsletter released

Projekta ”BOOSTED” pirmie pētījuma rezultāti par augstākās izglītības piedāvājumu tūrisma jomā Latvijā

CRE:HUB│Creative industries stakeholders discuss the upcoming events and activities in Latvia

Frankly Speaking | European Studies Graduates Impact Europe’s World

CRE:HUB│ Seminar and working session with Latvian CCI stakeholders