
LU Eiropas studiju maģistra programmas studenti mācību nedēļu novembrī pavada Eiropas Savienība institūcijās

Public lecture "EU as a Stronger Global Actor" by Inna Šteinbuka on November 24, 2015

We welcome a new lecturer at ESMP

Student of the ESMP received the CCI Paris IDF Diploma of the French language

CETS Project Coordinator and ESMP Lecturer Janis Aprans has passed away

Guest lecture “EU Trade Policy: adoption of EU trade and investment agreements” by Dr. Jolana MUNGENGOVÁ, June 1, 2015

Series of guest lectures by Andris Piebalgs, the final - "EU Budget Policy" on May 27, 2015

"Focus of Latvia’s presidency is future of the EU’s Eastern Partnerships" by Prof. Tatjana Muravska

Noslēdzas ar LU līdzdalību īstenots projekts „Sadarbība nodarbinātībai un pakalpojumiem lauku reģionos”