
Latvijas Universitāte ES INTERREG EIROPA programmas projektā SKILLS+ sniegs pētniecisko ekspertīzi

Latvijas Universitāte piedalās projektā par kultūras un radošo industriju veicināšanu (CRE:HUB)

An ESMP student participates in the International Summer School in Bremen

University of Latvia participates in the preparation of IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook – the results of research 2016 announced

Prof. B. Góralczyk from University of Warsaw gave a lecture on EU and Global Order

Prof. Muravska is giving a lecture at the Carleton University in Ottawa

A new lecturer at the ESMP - Mr.Andris Kužnieks

Guest Lecture by Professor Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (Canada)

Public Lecture and experts’ discussion “European Economy before, during and after the Financial Crisis” at the University of Latvia