Post-Conference Field Trip
Thursday 31st of August – Saturday 2nd of September 2006.
This excursion will provide an overview of geology and stratigraphy of the Quaternary and Devonian deposits, as well as coastal processes in Kurzeme, the western part of Latvia. The route of the excursion will follow the coastal line from Jūrmala to Liepaja and then will turn there to the mainland.
Provisional route of the field trip
Post-conference excursion
31st of August 2006
Start from the Hotel Lielupe at 8:30
Stop 1: Pūnenieki composite hill
Ivars Strautnieks, Vitālijs Zelčs and Aivars Markots
Stop 2: The Abava proglacial spillway at the Greiļi Hill and/or Drubazas Farmhouse
Ojārs Āboltiņš
Stop 3: Ancient coastal cliff of the Baltic Ice Lake maximum stages at the Slītere Zilie Kalni and the Slītere Lighthouse
Valdis Segliņš, Ģirts Stinkulis and lighthouse guide
Stop 4. Parallel dune ridges topography between villages Pitrags and Saunags
Guntis Eberhards
Stop 5: Modern coastal processes at the Cape of Kolkasrags
Guntis Eberhards
Stop 6: Morphology, geological structure and development of the Ģipka Lagoon
Guntis Eberhards, Laimdota Kalniņa and Aija Ceriņa
Stop 7: Boulder accumulations (Devil’s Forges) and Littorina Sea accumulative landforms at the Kaltene Village
Aivars Markots, Vitālijs Zelčs and Ivars Strautnieks
Overnight at the Hotel “Rojupe”, Roja
1st of September 2006
Start from the Hotel “Rojupe” at 8:30
Stop 8: “The Devil Boat” at the Bīlavas
Laimdota Kalniņa
Stop 9: Outcrop of sandstones of the Middle Devonian Burtnieki Formation on the bank of the River Roja at Lūrmaņi farmhouse
Ģirts Stinkulis and Ervīns Lukševičs
Stop 10: The Baltic Sea cliff section of glaciotectonically disturbed Middle Weichselian deposits and Upper Weichselian till structures between gullies at Plašumi and Gudenieki
Andis Kalvāns, Tomas Saks and Vitālijs Zelčs
Stop 11: Clayey silt diapirs and Upper Weichselian till structures in the cliff section between Ulmale and Jotiķi
Tomas Saks, Andis Kalvāns and Vitālijs Zelčs
Stop 12: The Baltic Ice Lake coastal cliff at the Medze village
Valdis Segliņš
Stop 13: Bernāti, local system of land use close to the sea-shore
Guntis Eberhards
Stop 14: The Pūsēni Hill: evidence of younger aeolian activity along the Baltic Sea Coast
Guntis Eberhards and Ivars Strautnieks
Overnight at the Hotel “Līva”, Liepāja
2nd of September 2006
Start from the Hotel “Līva” at 8:30
Stop 15: The internal composition of glaciotectonically deformed Pleistocene and Jurassic deposits in the Lētiža River bluff at the Lēģernieki farmhouse
Ojārs Āboltiņš, Ivars Strautnieks, Vitālijs Zelčs, Ģirts Stinkulis and Aivars Markots
Stop 16: Outcrop of dolostones of the Upper Devonian Šķervelis Formation at the mouth of the River Lētīža
Ģirts Stinkulis
Stop 17: Internal structure of complex set of glacial topography at Zirņi
Vitālijs Zelčs, Ivars Strautnieks, Ojārs Āboltiņš, Aivars Markots and Māris Nartišs
Rīga Central Railway station at about 16:30
Rīga International Airport at about 17:30
Hotel Lielupe, Jūrmala