Dr.habil.paed., professor Irēna Žogla
Director of the master’s program ‘Pedagogy’
irena.zogla@lu.lv; +371 29557576
Research and academic profile: teacher education; didactic and theories of teaching-learning; school pedagogy.
Activities: chair of the Council for promotion in pedagogy, the University of Latvia; expert in pedagogy, the Council of sciences of the LR; member of the faculty council; member of the Association for teacher education in Europe (ATEE); member of the American educational research association (AERA).
Recent publications relevant for the MSP:
Žogla I. (2013). Global Recession: Current processes, challenges and perspective of teacher education in the Baltic countries. In: Stephenson J., Ling L. (Eds). Challenges to Teacher Education in Difficult Economic Times. Routledge. Pp 63-76. ISBN 978-0-415-66198-0 (hbk); ISBN 978-0-203-07292-9 (ebk)
Žogla I. (2001). Didaktikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: Raka. (in Latvian). Theoretical Background of Didactic (2001). Rīga: Raka. Consult. Dr. V.Collinson, Michigan University USA, M.Killeavy, Dublin University College, Ireland).
Žogla I., Andersone R., Černova E. (2010). Lettland. H.Dobert, W.Horner, B-von-Kopp, L.R.Reuter (Hrsg). Die Bildungssysteme Europas. Band 46. Sērija: Grundlagen der Schulpadagogik. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH. S.370-392. ISBN 978-3-8340-0658-5. Monograph.. Fachportal Paedagogik.de. (Irena Zogla).
Snoek M., Žogla I. (2009). Teacher Education in Europe: Main Characteristics and Development. In the monograph: A. Svennen, M.van der Klink (Eds). Becoming a Teacher Educator. Springer. Pp. 11-28. ISBN: 978-4020-8873-5; e- ISBN: 978-1-4020-8874-2
Thomson Scientific Web Plus (Irena Zogla); Library of Congress Control Number: 2008931591 - (the article can be open: Bok – Las Utdrag – Content). The e-format of the book is on sale.
Žogla I., Andersone R., Černova E. (2007). Latvia. In monograph The Education Systems of Europe. Hoerner, W., Doebert, H., Kopp, B., Mitter, W. (Eds). Springer, Dordrecht. S.418-437. ISBN: 978-1-4020-4868-5. Thomson Scientific Web Plus (Irēna Žogla) ; Fachportal paedagogik.de (Irēna Žogla). Library of Congress catalogue. Controle Nr. 2007425075.
Žogla I., Andersone R., Černova E. (2002 un atk. 2004). Lettland. // Die Schulsysteme Europas. Band 46. H.Doebert, W.Hoerner,B.von Kopp, W. Mitter (Hrsg).- Deutchland: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. S.250.-261. (ISBN 3-89676-639-2). Monogrph. Thomson Reuters Scientific Web Plus; Fachportal Paedagogik.de. (Irēna Žogla)
Collinson V., Kozina E., Yu-Hao K.L., Ling L., Matheson I., Newcombe E., Žogla I. (2009). Professional Development of Teachers: A World of Change. European Journal for Teacher Education. Vol.32, Nr.1. Pp.3-19. ISSN 0261-9768: Routledge: Taylor & Francis group. ERIC (Irēna Žogla); Thomson Reuters: SSCI. EBSCO, http://www.lib.ied.hk/rss/feed/ebsco_innovteach.html;
Žogla I. (2006). Leading Educators’ Relearning in a Post-Soviet Country. Theory into Practice. The Ohaio State University, USA. Vol.45 (2), pp. 133-142. ISSN 0040-5841. Scopus (Irena Zogla). Thomson Reuters Scientific Web Plus: http://www.lib.ied.hk/rss/feed/ebsco_innovteach.html; ERIC (Irēna Žogla)
Žogla I. (2001). Democratization in Latvian Education: teachers’ attitude change European Journal of Teacher Education, vol.24, No.2, pp.143.-156. ISSN 0261-9758. Routledge: Taylor & Francis group. Thomson Reuters: SSCI; ERIC (Irēna Žogla). ERIC (Irēna Žogla), EBSCO, http://www.lib.ied.hk/rss/feed/ebsco_innovteach.html
Daniela L., Žogla I. (2013). Future Teachers’ Views on Usin and Reusing Digital Media in Teaching. In: Parmigiani D., Pennazio V., Traverso A. (Eds). Learning and Teaching with Media and Technology. ATEE Winter Conference proceedings, 7.-9. Match, 2013, Genua, Italy. Pp 21-29. www.proceedings_atee_genoa_2013.rid.pdf ISBN 9789081563956
Žogla I. (2012). Introduction. Research and Academic Practices through Teachers’ Life-Cycle. Introduction to the ATEE 36. Annual conference proceedings Teachers’ Life-Cycle from Initial Teacher education to Experienced Professional. Belgium: ATEE. Pp. 2-6. ISBN: 9789081563932; <www.atee1.org/uploads/2011annualconferenceproceedings.pdf>
Žogla I. (2012). Zum Technologieunterricht in lettischen Schulen. Theodor Litt Jahrbuch 2012/8. S.101-110. Deutchland: Leipzig Universitaetsverlag GMBH. 2012.
Žogla I., Černova E., Kalniņa D. (2011). Schools of Latvia for Learners: System and its management. In: Nowosad I., Milkowska G. (Eds). International Forum for Education: A child in school setting. Poland: Adam Marszalek.
Žogla I. (2010). Pedagogical Values of Peer and Self-assessment. Plenary report at the ATEE conference Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching. Rīga: LU, ATEE. 2010. Pp.17-27. ISBN 978-9984-49-027-4.
Žogla I., Andersone R. (2009). Latvia. Learning and Living Democracy. Introducing quality assurance of education for democratic citizenship in schools – Comparative study of 10 countries. Ed.by H.J.Abs. Council of Europe Publishing. Pp. 104-132. ISBN 978-92-871-6522-0. Fachportal paedagogik.de (Herman Abs).
Žogla I. (2009). Inclusion by Learning for Learner’s Achievement: Challenges for the 21st Century. Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Rēzeknes augstskola. 465-480. lpp. ISBN 978-9984-779-41-6. Conference proceedings. Thomson Reuters: Conference proceedings; EBSCO http://www.lib.ied.hk/rss/feed/ebsco_innovteach.html;
Žogla I. (2008). Teachers as Researchers in the Era of Tests. Plenary report at the ATEE conference Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching, May 2.-3, 2008. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais Apgāds, 23-40. lpp. ISBN 978-9984-825-51-9.