Compliance with the challenges of market relations The program meets the challenges of the market demands by the target, content and its implementation to prepare educators able to conduct the paradigm change in tertiary and adult further education from teaching to a learning process. The priority competence is that of creating a learner’s learning-centred process, learning by doing (a system of students’ work towards their personal achievements). The target and process meets the main tendencies of the European Union in building a sustainable space of the European tertiary education.      There are no masters’ programs in Latvia in tertiary and adult education/pedagogy while masters are considered to be knowledgeable specialists in their institutions, which hold the right of becoming a tertiary educator and participate in creating the culture in local and state areas. The need for this program is proved by the hundreds of tertiary educators of Latvia, who since 2002 have successfully graduated from the 4 credit point (6 ECTS) programs Tertiary didactic: theories and practice run at the faculty. The references of the educators are highly positive. The appropriateness of the program is also articulated by the need of preparation of educators able to meet the learners’ needs by conducting the tertiary and adult learning process, as well as completing the paradigm shift in universities, colleges and other tertiary institutions. The programs of this kind are seldom offered by the universities. The inquiry-based process, theoretically and practically integrated content meets the current needs and future perspective of the educators who hold research competence, critical thinking and analysis of the practice in compliance with the learners’ needs and implement targeted innovations. Masters’ education is also a precondition of the sustainable development of a tertiary institution/college and tertiary and adult learning theories and practices in several ways thus proving its nation-wide importance: this program prepares master students for the doctoral programs by providing post-diploma studies; supply the tertiary institutions/colleges with well-educated specialists who are able to identify and analyse the topical problems of tertiary and/or adult further education, implement innovations, participate or conduct internal evaluation, organize and/or participate in the developing the process according to the tendencies of the European space of the tertiary education.   Conformity with the Law of education and Law of tertiary education, standard of the academic (master’s) education The program meets the demands of the legislation of Latvia:
  • The Law of Tertiary Education. Augstskolu likums 59.p. and 55.p.  (LV 40 (4846), where the legal basis of obtaining a master’s degree is formulated, updated 26.02.2013).
  • The Law of Education. Izglītības likums (LV 190 (4793) 04.12.2012, updated 15.11.2012), where the form of obtaining a master’s education is formulated (8.p), as well as languages of instruction (9.p.3’.1), (9.3.5) and the graduate’s documents (11.p.).  
Table 1.
The content of the academic master’s program in tertiary and adult further education as denoted by the legislation
Demands towards obtaining a master’s academic degreeMaster’s program of  Tertiary and adult education
The scope of a master’s program covers two years,  the students collect 80 credit points (120 ECTS); at least 20 credit points are allocated for the master’s paper . (Law of tertiary education,/ Augstskolu likums, p. 57.p.)This program covers 20 months, students collect 80 credit points (120 ECTS), 20 credit points (30 ECTS) are allocated for the master’s paper. 

The profile of the program – academic (The law of     of Education / Izglītības likums, 6.p.3); studies of the theories of the chosen branch and clear outcomes (The Law of Education/Izglītības likums, 1.p.1). 

The program should comprise compulsory part, limited and free option (The Law or tertiary education/ Augstskolu likums, 55.p.c).

The theoretical/academic compulsory courses and those of  limited option: integrated courses which offer theories and practices of the tertiary and adult further education: educational paradigms and educational philosophy; adults’ learning;  programs’ theory and practices; educator’s personal qualities and their development. 

10 credit points (15 ECTS) are allocated for the  students’ free option. 

Two study courses deal with research theories and practices, investigation in a multicultural communities; organization of an inquiry-based tertiary and adult further education is integrated into the course dealing with the tertiary process and programs. 

Courses and tutorial  provide assistance in working out the Master’s paper,  and they guarantee the students’ regular work over the semesters. 

  COMPARISON WITH SIMILAR PROGRAMS Master’s programs in education in Latvia  To compare this program with the similar programs in Latvia all of them are presented here – there are no similar programs; therefore the profile of each of them is presented here.  The coincidence of this program with those already existing in Latvia is vague: each of the programs has its own profile even if the name and degree are the same. The only coincidence is the scope – 2 years, 4 semesters, 80 credit points (120) ECTS).  
                                                            Table 2.
Master’s programs in education in the universities of Latvia


of Latvia


Master of educational  sciences in pedagogy
Pre-school and school pedagogy

This program in tertiary and  adult education


Academic program  „Pedagogy” Master of educational sciences in pedagogy  

Theories and history of pedagogy, methodology; holistic approach in pedagogy; research and its presentation in a master’s paper and articles.  

Coincidence very slight, profiles differ, there is no ourses in tertiary and adult education.  

LiepUMaster of educational sciences in pedagogy  

Theories of pedagogy, history, educational management   

Coincidence slight, some themes in general courses.  Tertiary and adult education is not included.


Educational management in Europe Master of educational sciences 

Teacher education and educational sciences  

Differs the thematic profile, some items coincide. No tertiary and adult education.  


Academic studies. Master of educational sciences in pedagogy  

Research and management, adult education and career consultation.

Slight coincidence in some themes.  No tertiary and  education, small scope of adult education.


Academic master’s Program  „Pedagogy”, Master of educational sciences in pedagogy  

Up-bringing and didactic, school education  

Slight coincidence in some themes. No tertiary and adult education.  


Master of educational sciences  

Some small courses in adult Education. 

Some thematic coincidence, the themes can be included into this program or shared after the analysis of the content, design, especially the students activities. The 2012 Audit concluded: the programme has no clear profile.  

  Two similar programmes implemented in universities of the European Union   Detailed comparison is completed with the two programs: 
  1. Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg Zentrum für Hochschul- und Weiterbildung), where since 2005 Master of Higher Education is being run. Studiengang Master of Higher Education.
  2. The MSc Education (Higher Education) at Oxford University : MSc Education (Higher Education);  content/uploads/2010/09/MScEducationHEProgrSpec1213.pdf
Table 3.
Compatison with the two programs of the EU Universities

Hamburg University

Master of Higher Education

Oxford University

M.Sc. Education (Higher Education)
This program  
Aim, estimated results, students

Development of the educators’ professional competences (tertiary didactic, usage of the mass media in education, learning, evaluation etc.) towards improvement of the tertiary process.  





Future tertiary and adult further educators.   

 Programme for formal further education 

Possibility to acquire knowledge, develop understanding, academic and investigation skills, learning skills, critical analysis and evaluation  (detailed description of the appropriate activities in the programme)  



Tertiary and adult further educators.   

 Programme for formal education 

Possibilities to develop the target competences (detailed description of the activities towards the target in the closed part of the programme description): academic competences, investigation, academic competences, critical analysis and evaluation etc.      

 Future tertiary and adult further educators

Programme for formal education

AdmissionThe demands are not included in the description of the programmeDiploma. Explicit acquired and potential academic excellence and personal appropriateness for the choice:  two written essays, interview, three very positive recommendations.Bachelor or tertiary professional education (diploma).   Explicit acquired and potential academic excellence and personal appropriateness for the choice:  two written essays, interview, motivation of the choice (written), portfolio of the personal achievements. 
Content and its implementation

Thematic modules leading to the target competences: planning, management, usage of the media, methods, tertiary didactic. Master’s research.   




The main form of the implementation – work-shops, hands-on sessions, discussions, other activities






Option for deeper professionalization: exchange of the professionals and professionals’ communities. 

Thematic courses leading to understanding and skills:  philosophy, internationalization of studies and equality, education and economy, research design, methods and strategies of studies.  


Implementation and activities are not accessible in the open part of the description. 






 Optional courses: five thematic clusters.  

The thematic profile of the courses towards the target competences: paradigm change and educational philosophy, theories and practices of the adult education, adult learner, research, personal effectiveness of an educator.

The main form of the implementation – work-shops, hands-on sessions, discussions, other activities mentioned in the description of the courses and described in details in the hidden part of he programme. 

 Limited option between deeper studies of tertiary or adult educator.  


120 ECTS, 4 semesters, one thematic profile

12 months for full-time studies, 3 semesters (only one thematic profile).

80 KRP (120 ECTS), 4 semesters, two thematic profiles.

Degree awardedMaster of Higher Education M.Sc.  Master of educational sciences in tertiary and adult pedagogy  
In the European Universities where master’s programs in education are provided, there are no porgrams with the joined target: competences of tertiary and adult educator. There can be only one profile with shorter programs (Oxford).  To trace the thematic profiles of similar programs several universities outside the EU had been addressed. The thematic profiles differ greatly; some universities practice very narrow thematic profiles:  Michigan State University program Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education The content is provided for the future  educators’ tertiary formal education, adult and life-long education. Melburn University Master of Tertiary Education Management. The idea of integrated theories and practices during the academic studies: work-shops, hands-on sessions etc. designed for the students’ personal development and carrier. Trinity College, Dublin – Master of Higher Education. Program of formal education for the post-doctoral studies and educators’ preparation. Integration of the aims of formal and non-formal education. MEd_in_HE_outline_20121.pdf Belgrade University offers an academic master’s program in adult pedagogy Andragogy; prepares experts in different spheres, also in adult education.   Leipcig University provides programs Master of Teaching (academic and professional) and Master of Research (research and deeper theoretical studies – academic part of the programme) thus excluding the debate about the profiles – academic or professional – of the master in education.     Conclusions:
  • The above analysed programmes are oriented towards the quality of the students’ achievements. The idea is formulated by using the terms which are relevant for the learners’ learning-centred process: knowledge and understanding, skills and competences, academic excellence, research skills/competences, critical analysis and evaluation for the successful implementing of the paradigm change, innovative experiences etc.
  •  The main forms of the implementation are work-shops, hands-on sessions, discussions, group activities leading to the students’ personal success.
  •  There is a strong tendency to organize the content in big integrated thematic clusters or courses; the programs have three parts: compulsory, limited option and free option.
  • Each course ends with evaluation, the whole program – with the final examinations and defended master’s paper (dissertation); the students demonstrate the target skills/competences, among them are: research and its presentation; demonstration of academic skills which include theoretical knowledge, understanding of practices, ideas for the development of the educational process etc.
  • The programs might have different scope: from 12 months to 2 years. It is denoted by the profile of the program, target, students, full-time or part-time studies, face-to-face or/and distance learning etc.